Lucie Meinke aus Dortmund ist 101 Jahre alt geworden. Obwohl sie recht fit ist, hat sie sich akribisch auf ihren Tod vorbereitet. Warum sie keine Angst verspürt.
Nach vier Spielen stehen beim BV Brambauer zwei Siege und zwei Niederlagen zu Buche. Ein langjähriger Brambaueraner sieht die Probleme im Offensivspiel.
Mittwoch 7:00 – Felix Püschner at Ruhr Nachrichten
Zwangsversteigerungen sind eine Gelegenheit, günstig an eine Immobilie zu gelangen. Aber wie läuft so eine Veranstaltung eigentlich ab und was sollte man bedenken?
Mittwoch 4:55 – 10 Tricks für Visual Studio Code | Computerwoche
Akrobatisch wird es mit diesen Tipps, Tricks und Shortcuts für Visual Studio Code höchstens für Ihre Finger. Foto: Andraž Cerar | shutterstock.comVisual Studio Code (VS Code) ist nicht nur wegen seine …
Mittwoch 4:08 – 10 Tricks für Visual Studio Code | Computerwoche
Was haben ein E-Auto, eine mobile Mobilfunk-Basisstation und ein Edge-Cloud-Server gemeinsam? Sie bilden die Basis für die Digitalisierung des Weinbergs. Auf diese Weise sollen im Weinbau digitale Anw …
Mittwoch 4:04 – 10 Tricks für Visual Studio Code | Computerwoche
Arbeitgeber sollten alle Optionen in Erwägung ziehen, wenn sich Entlassungen nicht vermeiden lassen und etwa über fair gestaltete Aufhebungsverträge nachdenken. Foto: Master1305 – shutterstock.comBetr …
Dienstag 11:20 – 10 Tricks für Visual Studio Code | Computerwoche
Nach VBScript deaktiviert Microsoft nun auch ActiveX-Steuerelemente in Office. Thaspol Sangsee – „Ab dem neuen Office 2024 ändert sich die Standardkonfigurationseinstellung für Activ …
Scientists at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory have observed the first neutrino interactions in the Short-Baseline Near Detector (SBND), marking a significant milestone in their efforts to explor …
After tonight’s ABC presidential debate, Taylor Swift announced her support for Vice President Kamala Harris in the upcoming presidential election after AI-generated images falsely depicted her endors …
An anonymous reader quotes a report from Data Center Dynamics: Google has signed a $10 million deal to pull 100,000 tons of carbon dioxide out of the air. The company will buy direct air capture (DAC) …
Ars Technica’s Benj Edwards writes: In an age when you can get just about anything online, it’s probably no surprise that you can buy a diamond-making machine for $200,000 on Chinese eCommerce site Al …
With electricity demand from AI becoming so „crazy,“ Oracle’s Larry Ellison announced the company is designing a data center that will be powered by three small nuclear reactors capable of providing m …
South Korean police have arrested two former Samsung executives for allegedly leaking $3.2 billion worth of Samsung secrets to China to aid in building 20nm DRAM chips. Tom’s Hardware reports: The aut …
PSA: Today’s the day that Google’s performance tools officially stops supporting the First Input Delay (FID) metric that was replaced by Interaction to Next Paint (INP).… Quick Hit #18 originally publ …
Dienstag 18:33 – Juan Diego Rodríguez at CSS-Tricks
I am thrilled to say, that from this week onwards, the CSS-tricks Almanac has an entry for each property, function, and at-rule related to the new Anchor Positioning API! For the last month, I have tr …
Dienstag 16:06 – Eric Karkovack at Speckyboy Design Magazine
Posters are among the most common art forms. You probably had a few of them on your wall as a child. They cover the full spectrum of people, places, and… The post Beautiful Poster Art Created with C …
Jim hit a snag while working on a form. Placing labels next to inputs is trivial with flexbox, sure, but what happened in Jim’s case was a bit of dead-clicking between the labels and radio buttons. Th …
Dienstag 10:00 – at Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers
Anticipatory design, powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine learning (ML), and Big Data (BD), promises to transform user experiences by predicting and fulfilling needs before users even expr …
Checkbox and radio button hacks are the (in)famous trick for creating games using just CSS. But it turns out that other elements based on user input can be hacked and gamified. There are very cool exa …
The singer-songwriter breaks her silence over her presidential choice after Trump posted deepfakes that appeared to show her support for the former president.